Saturday, May 26, 2012


Psoriasis is a common, chronic, disfiguring, inflammatory and proliferative condition of the skin, in which both genetic and environmental influences have a critical role.
The most characteristic lesions consist of----
 Red, scaly, sharply demarcated, indurated plaques, present particularly over extensor surfaces and scalp.
 The disease is enormously variable in duration, periodicity of flares and extent.
Morphological variants are common.

Sex: Male and female difference
Males and females are equally affected by psoriasis vulgaris.
Many studies indicate that age of onset is younger in females. Thus, one German study demonstrated a peak age of onset of 22 years in males and 16 years in females in early-onset disease.
However, results of studies are highly dependent on sampling techniques used and are variable in their results. There is no evidence that the disease is phenotypically different between the sexes.

Some Causes:---
Environmental risk factors
Present evidence indicates that interactions between genes and the environment are important in disease causation. Many environmental factors have been linked to psoriasis, and have been implicated in, for example, initiation of the disease process and exacerbation of pre-existing disease. However, conclusive evidence is so far lacking.
Psoriasis at the site of an injury is well known. A wide range of injurious local stimuli, including physical, chemical, electrical, surgical, infective and inflammatory insults, has been recognized to elicit psoriatic lesions.
There are many drugs reported to be responsible for the onset or exacerbation of psoriasis. Chief amongst these are lithium salts, antimalarials, beta-adrenergic blocking agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and the withdrawal of corticosteroids. Their risk,however, has never been formally assessed in controlled epidemiological
studies. The risk of withdrawal of systemic or potent topical corticosteroids requires careful re-evaluation.
Although sunlight is generally beneficial, in a small minority of patients, psoriasis may be provoked by strong sunlight.
Psychogenic factors
Considerable clinical evidence exists for the role of stress in onset and exacerbation of psoriasis.
 In a UK study, over 60% of a sample of psoriasis patients believed stress was a principal factor in the cause of their psoriasis.
Also it is reported that several psychocutaneous characteristics, including increased exacerbations and worse disease, correlated with stress reactivity. It is without doubt, however, that psoriasis has a detrimental effect on the psychosocial quality of life of patients and that stress management programmes significantly shorten the time to clearance with standard therapies.
Furthermore, psoriasis in patients who are categorized as being high or pathological worriers
is less likely to clear with photochemotherapy (PUVA) than in those patients with low worry.
Without doubt, the emotional and physical disability that psoriasis may cause is underestimated. One study showed the impact of psoriasis on physical and mental components of the health related quality of life index is very similar to that of many other major diseases, including heart disease and arthritis.

Homeopathy takes into consideration not only body but also mind; as human being is unity of both mind and body. It also considers emotional, intellectual aspect of mind. Thus we can many a times identify what specific ‘Stress’ factor may have triggered psoriasis.
Homeopathy has many medicines for psoriasis which are selected after considering---

  • Origin of lesion, its size, shape, character, location
  •  Aggravating and ameliorating factors
  •  Trying to identify trigger-- if present it will be most important point in selection of homeopathic medicine.
  • Other associated illness/ complaints
  •  Reaction of patient to his suffering

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rhinitis/hay fever

Rhinitis is inflammation of the nose causing sneezing, nasal discharge or blockage for more than an hour during the day.

Rhinitis is subdivided into various types:
According to time span:--
  • Seasonal rhinitis: occurs only during a limited period, usually springtime
  • Perennial rhinitis: present throughout the year

According to patho-physiology:--
  • Allergic rhinitis: an IgE mediated atopic disorder
  • Vasomotor rhinitis: due to parasympathetic over-activity

Both allergic and vasomotor rhinitis have a strong association with asthma.

Clinical features of rhinitis

Nasal symptoms:
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal obstruction and congestion
  • Hypersecretion: watery rhinorrhoea, postnasal drip
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Itching nose (usually allergic)

Throat symptoms:

  • Dry and sore throat
  • Itching throat
Irritated eyes (allergic)
Abnormal nasal mucous membrane—pale, boggy, mucoid discharge.

Common Allergens:-

  • Pollens from trees (spring) and grass (in summer)
  • Moulds
  • House dust mites (perennial rhinitis)
  • Hair, fur, feathers (from cats, dogs, horses, birds)
  • Some foods, e.g. cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, peanut butter

Factors aggravating rhinitis (vasomotor):-

  • Emotional upsets
  • Fatigue
  • Alcohol
  • Chilly damp weather
  • Air-conditioning
  • Sudden changes in temperature and humidity

Homeopathy has excellent scope in recurrent rhinitis and its associated problems. Homeopathy has more than 50 medicines for rhinitis. Appropriate medicine is selected on the basis of history of the patient. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

'Smoking is good for you'

'Smoking is good for you', according to an old Arab proverb. 'The dogs will not bite you because you
smell so bad; thieves will not rob you at night because you cough in your sleep and you will not suffer the indignities of old age because you will die when you are relatively young.'

Possible serious adverse effects of nicotine smoking:-
  • Cancer of--- Mouth & throat, larynx & trachea, lungs, oesophagus & stomach, Pancreas, bladder

Other diseases---
  • Brain—Stroke
  • Lungs—chronic bronchitis & emphysema
  • Heart—coronary artery disease
  • Stomach and duodenum—Peptic ulcers
  • Reproductive system--- Reduced fertility
  • Peripheral arteries—vascular disease

Advantages of quitting smoking:-

  • Food tastes better.
  • Sense of smell improves.
  • Exercise tolerance is better.
  • Sexual pleasure is improved.
  • Bad breath improves.
  • Risk of lung cancer drops: after 10-15 years of quitting it is as low as someone who has never smoked.
  • Early COAD can be reversed.
  • Decreases URTIs and bronchitis.
  • Chance of premature skin wrinkling and stained teeth is less.
  • Removes effects of passive smoking on family and friends.
  • Removes problem of effects on pregnancy.
  • Ask them to keep a smoker's diary.

Quitting tips:-

Make a definite date to stop (e.g. during a holiday).

After quitting:-
  • Eat more fruit and vegetables (e.g. munch carrots, celery and dried fruit).
  • Foods such as citrus fruit can reduce cravings.
  • Chew low-calorie gum and suck lozenges.
  • Increase your activity (e.g. take regular walks instead of watching TV).
  • Avoid smoking situations and seek the company of non-smokers.
  • Drink more water and avoid substituting alcohol for cigarettes.
  • Be single-minded about not smoking—be determined and strong.
  • Take up hobbies that make you forget smoking (e.g. water sports).
  • Put aside the money you save and have a special treat. You deserve it!! 

Withdrawal effects:-

The initial symptoms are:-

Restlessness, cravings, hunger, irritability, poor concentration, headache,
Tachycardia, insomnia, increased cough, tension, depression, tiredness and sweating.
After about 10 days most of these effects subside but it takes about three months for a smoker to feel relatively comfortable with not smoking any more.

Homeopathy can help in preventing cravings and taking care of withdrawal symptoms mentioned above.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thyroid and Endocrine disorders: An Overview

Symptoms related to the endocrine system

1.       Psychogenic changes:-

2.       Constitutional symptoms
        tiredness, lethargy

3.       Sexual dysfunction
        menstrual dysfunction, e.g.

4.       Amenorrhoea
        loss of libido
        loss of pubic hair

5.       Diabetogenic symptoms

6.       Glycaemia fluctuations

7.       Weight changes
        weight loss
        weight gain

8.       Cardiac changes
        heart rate disturbances
        myocardial ischaemia
9.       Skeletal changes
        bone pain

10.   Muscle changes

11.   Skin changes
        coarse dry skin

12.   Blood pressure fluctuations
        postural hypotension

13.   Gastrointestinal

14.   Tongue enlargement
        hypothyroidism, myxoedema, acromegaly

Early diagnosis of thyroid and endocrine disorder and prompt treatment with homeopathic medications can stop progress or reverse the disorder process. Self-homeopathic medications from reading books; internet or from friends; relatives advice won’t always help and many a times lead to delayed diagnosis of disorder. So it’s better avoided.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What will your homeopath need to know ... ?
Ø  The homeopath approaches patient in a holistic manner and regard the physical, emotional and mental or spiritual complaints of each person as intimately connected.   Since all are aspects of the whole being of the patient suffering.   Homeopaths understand that symptoms of disease are evidence of the body's natural and automatic effort to heal itself and these clues are used to guide them when prescribing a remedy.
Ø  Your homeopath will ask detailed question on all aspects of your life past and present.  Be as detailed and thorough as possible, what you may determine as unusual, trivial or unimportant could hold a greater significance to your homeopath.  Initial consultations are long, could last an hour and all discussions are treated with the strictest confidence.

What is the Principle of Individualization...?
Ø  Each patient is different from another and his reaction to all the internal and external forces or stimuli will therefore be different from another. This is called the principle of individualization. It is for this reason that two patients with apparently the same illness may be treated with different remedies.
Ø  Let us take the example of common cold. An allopath will prescribe for each patient the same medication- a decongestant, an anti-allergic and an anti-pyretic. A homeopath first looks for the cause. He will ask you how you caught the cold- did you get wet in the rains, were exposed to a draft of air, got overheated or chilled, had cold drinks, etc. Then, he looks for the details of the symptoms- whether you sneeze or not, is there a runny nose, what is the type of discharge, etc. He finds out what factors aggravate or relieve the complaints, what are the associated symptoms, etc. Armed with these details, he selects a remedy similar to the illness and attacks it.

How soon will I be cured ... ?
Ø  Homeopathic remedies cure the whole as opposed to the symptoms.   The time it takes to cure a symptoms is directly dependant on the complexity of the ailment.  Since the remedy works from inside out, internal disorders are the first to be cured as opposed to superficial outer symptoms. 
Ø  Be patient, for it is more beneficial to cure the cause of the illness as well as the symptoms , rather than simply relieve the symptoms.  Two patients with a cold may look similar but may have completely different remedies prescribed to them.

Some misconceptions---
1.       Homoeopathy is very slow acting & of use only in chronic illnesses                          
  • In acute situations & conditions e.g. fevers, acute sore throats, injuries, burns, insect bites etc. , correct observation & eliciting appropriate symptoms & a keen eye & open mind help in prescribing for these acute conditions.
  • It is fast acting in acute conditions such as infections, fever, diarrhoea, etc. The chronic and old disease such as psoriasis take a long time to treat hence homeopathy has been labelled as slow acting. One may say that homeopathy may be slower than the effect of pain-killers, anti-inflammatory medicines and steroids. One must know that homeopathy is faster in the treatment of conditions such as allergy, asthma, eczema, migraine, arthritis.
  • Homeopathy is like a tortoise in the well-known story of tortoise and rabbit.
2.       Homeopathy can only help functional problems such as pain, weakness, where there are no      structural changes in the body.       
§  Homeopathy has proved its efficacy for the treatment of structural pathology. Numerous documented cases where the reversal of the structural pathology has taken place indicating the depth of homeopathy action.
3.       Is that homeopathy would worsen my symptoms initially and then bring about improvement". I am scared to try Homeopathy since I cannot afford to see my symptoms getting worse than what I have at the moment.
§  It is not true that Homeopathy would lead to an initial aggravation of your complaints.  The aggravation which the patient experiences at times after taking the medicines is usually coincidental with the progress of the disease where in it worsens in its natural course. This confirms that the homeopathic remedies are usually harmless, but the myths associated with them are not.
4.       Investigations such as x-ray, blood test, MRI, etc. are not required for homeopathic treatment.
§  All sort of investigations are required and useful for better and effective homeopathic treatment.
5.       Diagnosis is not required for homeopathic treatment.
§  Diagnosis helps to make better prescription of homeopathic medicines.
6.       Homeopathic medicines are prescribed only on the mind symptoms of the patient.
§  Not correct. Study of disease, diagnosis and mental attributes are studied in homeopathy.
7.       With Homoeopathy, other conventional medicines such as anti-Hypertensive or Anti-diabetic drugs have to be totally discontinued
§  This in fact is not a fact. Homoeopathy treats the individual patient as a whole human being in context of the long term health & well-being & even with conventional medicines, it is imperitive that patients continue their medication which are acting on the physiological plane, but do so judiciously & under the guidance of experienced physicians
8.       Vitamins, iron-tonic, etc. should not be taken during homeopathic treatment.
§  Can be taken. Tonics and supplements are part of homeopathic treatment!
9.       Homeopathy is against surgery.
§  Not really. Surgery is a part of homeopathy. Interestingly, some of the surgical diseases (life piles, fissure, tonsillitis, etc.) can be cured without surgery.
10.   Homoeopathic medicines contain STEROIDS

§  This is recent misconceptions spreading among people.
§  When appropriate Homoeopathic medicines act fast & help acute conditions, people often ask or feel that the physicians are using steroids in the garb of Homoeopathy for quick results, irrespective of its sequelae or side effects.
§  A good Homoeopathic prescription which is geared towards stimulating & helping the body's  Immune System  & works as an immuno-modulator, gives very satisfying results in acute cases as well. Homoeopathic remedies which are by & large derived from the plant kingdom do have certain alkaloids that are as effective as steroids & these are extracted & made into Homoeopathic medicines. These however ARE NOT STEROIDS & DO NOT GIVE RISE TO ANY STEROID LIKE SIDE EFFECTS.
§  In many cases homoeopathic remedies works VERY RAPIDLY yet in a GENTLE way, curing patient PERMANENTLY.
  1. I have taken homeopathic treatment before…. Homeopathy did not work for me..
             There are 2 possibilities:-
Either your disorder is of incurable category
Previous homeopathic doctor failed to select right homeopathic medicine.
§  Reason he failed is because selecting a medicine is highly skilful job as there are more than 2000 medicines in homeopathy (probably homeopathy is only medicinal system which has Largest number of medicines) from which homeopath has to select right medicine beneficial for patient.
§  As there are few incurable disorders, reason homeopathy did not work for you is mostly due to 2nd possibility.
§  Also it is now noticed by many homeopaths around the world that these incurable diseases as labelled by modern medicine has answer in Homeopathy.